

Point is ?

IS .. the cost of all this !

I can uNderstand the need for all the E for the engine ... but the trans ? ....

Costs are irrelavent.
Advancements in engine technology is no different than advancements in transmission technology.

99% of it is to lower emissions - improve fuel mileage.
nothing more - nothing less.

No offense meant, but throwing parts at anything in an attempt it 'might' fix it,, is ( to me) a huge waste of time ,effort and money.

My point is, diagnosis is key. AND if used properly IS your friend.

I've done A604 based trans work for the better part of the last 15-20 years.
input / output speed sensors fixed maybe 20-30% of shift issues

I do understand, theyre cheap( but they are not free ) And now what could have been maybe $85 for an hours worth if diag time is now going to cost $125( based on my local dealers $85 an hour labor rate)

IMO one hours worth of diag time from someone with the equipment and knows how to use it is money well spent .

Merry Christmas to all