This quote also taken from the wing warriors site.

When asked about the order of the cars coming down the assembly line James told us: "You might have two or three [Hemi cars] in a row, might have two or three in an hour, and some days you might only get one for the whole day. It all depends on what they ordered-that's the way we got them. Trim was supposed to mix up the models of cars so we didn't have two in a row. Running two big high-performance Hemis or 440s, Sixpacks-running a couple of those in a row just tore the line up. You weren't set for manpower to run them like that.

My favorite:

The worst accident I ever saw was in the disk plant when they first started using a robot. I'd never seen a robot in my life. I went over one time and one of the guys took me over and showed me a car and said, "One of those damned robots ate a car!" And you oughta have seen that. It looked like it had been run over by a freight train! I guess they programmed it wrong. It was a two-door car coming down and it [robot] had been programmed for a four-door or a station wagon and that sucker just kept eating on that car and it was tore all to hell. You couldn't believe how it was tore up! They demolished that car-they cut that one up-couldn't fix it."

Another thing that happened once, there was a compact type of car that went through the plant and it was a 4-door on one side and a 2-door on the other side. Boy, I wish I had that car! It was done more or less as a joke but when it got to the Final line, the plant manager didn't think it was so funny.

"Most of the Hemi cars were well-tested and a little broken-in by the time they were loaded onto the transport!"

When they fired up the Hemi cars for the first time, they'd backfire and you could hear them all the way up in the Paint department.