Wow!! It must be winter setting in!! In the time I have been here,I have seen all sorts of racing topics. Truck pullers,boat racers and some circle track stuff. And like Quicktree said...I have never seen a legit question go unanswered..And I would also bet that around 95% of the members here drag race. My dad and I thought about a hobby stocker in 1973..It was a 56 Chevy that just needed a motor and we had a cheap 327. Went to a couple of races and the way those guys would wreck each other and get into fist fights just wasn't for us. The same holds true today! A few years back there was a big fight in the pits that ended up in a local bar. A few guys went to jail that night. My idea of racing is to have fun and enjoy myself,friends and family. Not to beat the hell out of each other,wreck cars on purpose and straighten body panels all week! To each his own..Everyone needs a hobby!

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