Thanks again for all of the help felluhs.

Figured I'd do a little more digging into the carb.

Trying to read these jets is a little daunting seeing as it's pretty obvious someone didn't use a correctly fitting flathead to remove/install them. And I'm working with 27 year old 20/15 eyesight here and it's still a bit of a stretch.

Anyway, what seems odd is that not only are the jets not the same side to side, it appears the rods are also not the same size.

Here's what I've got:

---------Pass Side-------------Driver's Side------
Sec. Jet---395(?)----------------400
Pri. Jet----395-------------------400

The only thing that seems consistant from side to side is the step-up spring. There is no color on it, but it's got a lot of coils, thinner gauge wire. Not sure what size that is.

It looks like someone, at some point, may have rebuilt this and didn't know to put the correct jets back in the correct spots. I hope this is a glaring problem and correcting it will get me back where I need to be.

I know the edelbrock manual has the stock configuration for the carb and it lists the stock primary jet and rod configuration, but what about the secondary jet? I'd feel much more comfortable just buying new jets and rods so at least I can read them and know they are the right size.

Thanks again for your time and help.

Last edited by Pat_Whalen; 10/31/11 07:35 PM.