that picture of the car in the ditch looks worse than it was, i had just backed out of my drive way and i was about 2 houses down from mine in my neighborhood and i was creeping due to the fact i knew i already had a problem, i ran into the ditch at maybe 5 to 10mph.
so i doubt that i have any frame damage or major damage.

all the door , hood , fender gaps are fine. the only way i found the 3/4 to inch difference in the passenger and drivers side is, when i switched from 14inch tires and wheels to 15inch, i turned into a store and heard the driver's tire rub on the top of the front fender bracket.

i then got out my yard stick and measured the height and found the difference. with the 14inch magnums i did not notice it, i have driven the car about 200miles since the ditch and no other problems were found, no noise in the front end, nothing, so maybe this will not be serious, but with my luck with this car it maybe something serious