Man I love fuel posts.... .... Lots of good info and lots of opinions, The only thing I will add is..... If ya ain't got enough octane for the pressure , heat , and spark timing.... Its gonna be a bad day.... There is a ton of power to be had in the fuel you choose to burn and its not that easy to find the perfect match for every combo.... That's half the fun, even when ya think you have the perfect fuel there's.... A/F ratio, Air temp and all the other ever changing variables to consider every time ya try to make max power, Any how the opp posted 10.75 to 1 compression That means absolutely nothing with out knowing cyl pressure and intake closing, one mans 10.75 can run fine on 93 and an others will knock the porcelains off the plugs Where are all the nitrous guys when ya need them, They have good stories about melting things when things aren't right and sometimes even good pictures