Hey MR P & 440 JIM will FRIDAY night i t.t my car with the new DOMINATOR that RUPERT made for my car 1st pass 6.07 at 117 2nd 6.05 at 117 3rd 6.04 at 117 4th 6.00 at 118 5th 6.00 at 118 looking good will for the race SATURDAY 6.05 at 118 2nd 6.04 at 118 3rd 6.02 at 118 i was thinking man that`s just right for the 1st round will BRAD said it`s cool down a lot it`s going to run will i said ok maybe a 6.01 or a 6.00 man was i wrong the car pull the wheels up i had a 0.24 R.T to his 0.89 R.T and i was gone about 50 or 60 feet from the line i let off and i lost i went 5.98 at 110 BRAD was right in good air the will go 5.80s maybe 5.70s like it is i am going to do some jetting an put some more weight in man that DOMINATOR is what my motor likes i was letting you all know how it`s running and it is useing about 3/4 a gallon with a small burn out and about 1 gallon with a big burn out.