No worries, there will be pics when I pick it up and take it to the painters.....maybe this week.

I thought I'd add a picture showing some of the ways I keep this pile of parts organized. As much as I think I'll remember how all this goes back together, I know not to trust my memory In addition to lots of digital pics (2 memory cards and counting), I also draw out some details, along with organizing the screws and bolts on pieces of cardboard. Then its all bagged and boxed/ toted. I also have a big 5 subject notebook that I use to write down all information I need to know or remember, breaking it down into sections (General/history,Body/Exterior,Driveline/Mechanical,Interior, and Redo/Restore/Purchase). I also keep a tote, and a list of all the new parts I've bought which makes finding them easier later and eliminates (usually) buying the same parts twice. For bigger items I have a couple of shelves on the wall dedicated to just Duster items. I try to keep it so that if I died tomorrow, somebody would be able to find all the parts for the car...odd yes, but DAMHIK.

6883164-ORg.JPG (309 downloads)
Last edited by NV69B7RR; 10/22/11 12:13 PM.