Yes, it can. I've done 2 in a car. Jack it up from the drivers side, so the fluid runs to the passenger side...away from the seal. You will need a screwdriver short enough to be able to drive into the seal and pry it out. Clean the shaft good before you ever pry the old seal out. The way I installed the new seals was to select a deep socket that was almost the same diameter as the new seal.Oil the new seal so it will slide down the shaft easy, and slide it down against the case.I then took a large enough C clamp to fit over the socket after it was placed down on top of the seal, and opened it up enough to get the screw part under the pan with a thin block of wood in between. Put the top part of the C clamp on top of the socket, and tighten it. This will push the seal in place. It worked good for me, and never lost a drop of fluid. Good luck