2 seal at the shift lever

one for the shift lever and a small one that is for the throttle pressure valve

you have to remove the e-clip for the little one

best to remove the vb and do this

and when you have the e-clip off do not let the rooster comb drop and the detent ball pop out

the bolt washer thing works well for the install of the seal into the case

with the vb removed you can knock the seal out from the bottom with a screw driver

other things to check are the rod for the rev band lever in the back by the tail housing,you can see it from the out side and some sealer on it should make it not leak if its leaking

look at the N-safty switch also to make sure the seal on it is not leaking

check the kick down band adjustment bolt some times they will weep fluid at the threds

clean all of it with some brake clean first,then some baby powder will help locate a leak on it also