Grab your bowls, ladles, measuring cups, and spices. Grab those pots, pans and skillets (no hitting your wives or husbands with them either)

It's time for the great Moparts recipe exhange thread.

Many of us will be hooking up together at various car shows, cookouts, and parties this summer/fall. Wouldn't it be nice to show up with something homemade and edible instead of that past due date potato salad you always try to pawn off on everyone from the quickie mart?

Here's how it works:

List what catergory your recipe would fall under.


Fish and poultry dishes.
Beef dishes.
Ethnic foods. Mexican, Italian, German, Greek, etc. etc.
Baked goods ie. Breads, pie crust etc.

Coctails (anyone have a good drink recipe?) I sure hope so.....

This way the reader of the thread that is looking for something in particular will have a general idea of what post to read at that time.

Be sure to list what items the reader will have to purchase to make this recipe ahead of time and to be as exact as you can in how much of each item the recipe calls for to use.

This is the wrong way:

"I use garlic in this recipe"

The right way:

1/2 clove of garlic.

This way we know how much to use to achieve the same end result that your family does when they enjoy your recipe.

This would also be a great way to get your wives or significant others involved in Moparts by giving them a little something to participate in if cars are not their thing.

I'll start off with a recipe that has been used in my family for generations.



Chefs notes:

Because cooked Sauerbraten improves with age, this whole dish can be preparred a day ahead and re-heated and you can even make it into sandwiches if you so desire. Sauerbraten gets it's tenderness and sour flavor from being soaked in a water/wine mixture for 1 to 7 days. If you soak it longer than that...... it will be more tender and even more sour.

My grandmother always served this with cabbage (red cabbage to be exact) and homemade potato pancakes or dumplings. However, I like to serve Spatzle and cabbage with this dish.


3 cloves garlic (cut each clove in half)
1 1/2 cups of water
1 1/2 cups of dry red wine
1 medium to large size onion, peeled and diced into smaller pieces.
2 bay leaves
1/4 cup sugar
1 teaspoon of peppercorns.

The Roast:
1 three to four pound pot roast
2 carrots (chopped up)
1 medium size onion with 3 cloves stuck inside it.

The Gravy:

1 teaspoon of bullion granules
1/2 cup red wine
1/2 teaspoon of ginger
1 teaspoon salt
3 tablespoons of instant flour (some people call it gravy flour)
1 cup of sour cream. (Grandma used 1/2 cup but I prefer a whole cup)

Let's start cooking!

In a medium sized pan, heat the water and wine on medium to low heat. Add your garlic, onion, bay leaves, peppercorns and sugar. Heat until sugar is disolved but DO NOT BOIL.

Put your pot roast in a glass dish or crocery pot. Add just enough of your marinade to go halfway up the side of your roast. Keep the rest of your marinade for cooking later on. Cover the dish/pot (I use a slow cooker pot with glass lid that can go straight in the fridge) and refrigerate. Turn your roast over in the morning and then again at night for 5 days (longer if you want it more sour and tender)

Put the roast and marinade in slow cooker and then cover it with the remaining marinade and add your carrots, celerty and onion. Cook at 290 for 6 to 8 hours or until really tender. Make sure to simmer it and NOT to let it boil.

Okay, take out the roast and your veggies from the pot and skim off the fat. Put 2 cups of the sauce from the slow cooker pot into a saucepan and add your bouillon, wine, ginger and salt. Bring that to a boil (finally it's okay to boil ) Slowly sift in your instant flour making sure to stir constantly. Boil for 1 minute then turn down the heat and keep the sauce warm. Slice your roast and put it on a warm plate.

Quarter your onion and arrange it with the carrot and celery around your roast.

Pour 1/2 cup of your gravy over the roast then put your 1/2 or 1 cup of sour cream in the rest of the gravy. Stir it well and serve with your roast.

This meal is great when you serve it with a red wine.


Now, lets see your prized recipes. I'm anxious to try them in my own kitchen.

Once you've tried someone's recipe RATE it on a scale of 1 to 5 for taste.