



looks like all the other non hemi E-body cars I've seen in the OE judging at the Nat's i like the Roger Gibson E-body res to,s. nicer and much more correct.

Good grief it's Jerry again,...........well I'll tell ya Jerry......Roger G, could learn a few things here,....I yet to see Dave W. make the kinda of mistakes( or any mistakes, for that matter) that I see on a lot of Gibson restorations

Jerry,...are there any good houses in your neighborhood...........that you could haunt?

don't tell me you are claiming to be an expert on these cars like the quarter panels you know so much about? is your name Dave also? please impress me with all your knowledge or try to.i haven't had a good laugh since the last time i read one of your post.i do agree that someone needs a little help restoring an E-body and it ain't Roger Gibson. thanks for bringing that point up.your one heck of a guy.

Wow, another useless post from a know-it-all that criticizes everyone but never accomplishes anything. First of all, while Roger G. does beautiful restorations he has yet to build a car as factory correct as this Challenger and for that matter MCR will never get close. I must have missed the year of the Nats that you had the perfect score since your “knowledge” and critique of everyone else is so keen, Oh Wait, that hasn’t happened and never will since you have the mouth to talk a good game but not the skills to back it up. I get the feeling you have either little mans complex and sit behind your keyboard to criticize from a distance; or you are a low achiever that is jealous of everyone that excels above you in knowledge and ability; which I am sure is a common occurrence in your life. The more of your posts that I read the more I realize that you are not much of a man, just a complete smarta$$ with nothing to add to this board, the Mopar hobby or to life in general.

even the owner lets criticism go Thur one ear and out the other or takes it with a grain of salt.has big shoulders or whatever.