JohnnyBee, Hey! I know you! I guess I was typing while you were posting! Lol!
No, Thank You and your Lovely Wife! To drive as far as you did and uncertain weather conditions? And Coollllddddddddd!
(For FL anyways!) I am really glad to hear from one of the true stars of the show! I am glad you liked the show! That means a lot!

As for Paul Z.? I wish I knew 1/2 of what he knows! I hope my delivery on camera will be as polished as Pauls some day.
It's only a dream at this point! I can only hope to get more opportunities to get better!

Stan? Stan is the consumate Pro and friend! Stan and Ken are the one's with the vision and passion, and along with Speed Channel, they make it work and all possible!

As for Randy Bolig! He is way ahead of the curve at his age in this industry! Great guy! He is sick though! Remember he offered to put his convertible top down for the camera man to be able to get good shots during the drive alongs. It was COLD out! Brave or crazy? Not sure which! Lol!
Again, much thanks to my new friends, Ramona & John Bober!

Originalwedge - Thanks for your neat observations! Glad you enjoyed the show.

Tom - Mr. Moparts! - Thanks for this great place for all of us Mopar Nuts! You have mail!

killercuda - Twice last night? You are more sick than I! Lol! Thanks for the kind words and I'll keep updated on availability of DVD. I know we'll offer VHS.
Plymouth show!? Lol! Never know! Tell

CharlieB - Thanks, See above We're trying!!

Oz - Thanks again for all your neat bumps! Also, FYI, because of contract reasons, we can't distribute tapes for 90 days after the 1st show actually airs. I'll up-date!
We are currently up-dating the American MuscleCar website!
I'll be in touch.
NicksGarage - Thanks! Bober's, HI IMPACT 71's? Oh Yea!

Dem440c - Thanks for contacting Speed Channel! Sorry we could not have more Super Bee's for the time allowed. Just ran out of time!
Thanks for the positve words though!

Ted - Thanks! I agree, more early drags content.

mcat4321 - Thanks and glad you liked the show and my Cuda and friends SuperBird at the end of the show.

Burnt70RT - Thank you! Life was cool back then. Too bad I was not born until 57! Lol! I'm CAN'T really complaining tho!

Darrell - Not sure! I'll have to go back and review! Lol!

drbill - Thank you! You and your Bro's cars!? Too cool!!

strongerthanall - Thanks! Glad you enjoyed and for the input!

DanH - Thank You! I'll pass on the kind thoughts to Stan and Ken, as well as Speed Channel. Bill France?? Lol!
Thanks again to everyone here! You make this place ROCK!
Chuck West
Program Coordinator