Tweat Heart,
Thanks for the compliments.
Where to get a '68 Hemi Dart?, as a matter of fact, yes, I do! Go to www.SS& All you had to do is ask! Lol!

quickD100, Thanks very much for the kind words! Glad you liked the show! I will pass your input onto Stan & Ken, as they are the people that have the vision and passion to put it all together. There are a ton of people that will appreciate hearing that the work they did, was enjoyed by real enthusiast's like you and all the others!

Bob-ProSport, Thanks for the Kudo's! Your positive words will be passed onto the rest of the team and all who had a part in making the show. The cars are the stars and thanks to all who own and preserve the cars and the history. With a gorgeous car such as yours and the many others on Moparts, you know 1st hand the time and money invested.
I am hoping that the "Big Wheels" at Speed Channel will see the many good things Moparts members have said. It all helps, and anytime we can get Moparts and it's members some Ink or Air time, is all good in my book, for Moparts etc.
Thanks again,