Man I'm really glad it wasn't worse, but it's still bad. I feel for him &hope for the best. I broke my right femur middle of May. I posted that story right after it happened. Still not allowed weight on it, after surgery & 3 x's every day doing therapy, and 3-9 months for it to heal. Tell him to stick with what his Dr. & therapists have him do, no skipping. I'm still stuck with a little time on crutches, a little more with a walker & when we go out a wheelchair. My bum leg is still about twice as big as the good one. I only do out outside steps on crutches and someone literally inches away in case I lose my balance, which is easy to do. Inside our house I go up & down the steps on my butt. After the hospital & nursing home & finally getting home it looks like I'm ahead of schedule, but just 1 slip & we start all over again. Wish him well for me.
Oh, I almost forgot. The $$$ cost. So far it's over $100,000, but the insurance is paying a huge part of that thankfully.

Last edited by aquamist60; 06/30/11 01:17 PM.