
Seems everyone says to do your heat up in the water box. I don't think anyone goes 1st 2nd and 3rd in the water. You pull in , spin the tires over once, pull out of the water box, then proceed to heat the tires up. If you do your burn out in the water box, then your wheel tubs can drip water down on the track and your tires, causing havok. I believe most everyone that made a post in your thread does this, but are not making it clear for you. It also does not take long to heat a tire up. Only 5 or 6 seconds usually gets them sticky and soft.

I have yet to run accross a starter that stops you in the water to do a burn out. He doesn't care about your wheel wells dripping water, but he sure doesn't want any water outside the box on his track. That being said, I always double check where he stops me to do a burnout with a reference point along the track ( sign on the fence, etc ). First thing I do when racing at a new track - besides watching how the starter is lining up cars. As I have said, my burnout takes about 6 seconds - and there is a video somewhere in this thread that proves it

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