Hay F-dude .......

HAPPY to hear that you are a Holley fan ... this just might allow you a more interesting title !

LET me 'splain this Berri crab biz again.

Do you know a bush that has Holly berries ? ....Holly and Holley ...same/same ...right ? Then there is the word CRAB. Just a misspelling of the word carb. And a person that is a user of a Berri crab is commonly-known-as a Berri-Bumz. Capice ?

BG was never even thought of.

LOTS of people find it . A select few ? ... not so much. Well on them !! And then - in the past - some of these same people would DISS the TQ. It is their option and opinion ... but their uNtolerance is noted.

ALL in fun here ...at least from my end.

You ...and three cars with Berries on all ? ... us in the ThermoSquad are going to have to CONVERT you from your MISguided ways.

But uNtil you find the "correct path" .... how would you like to be titled ? ....