Not looking to get into a pissing match with you Mike.. But honestly there are significant variations in the grill surround trim you posted due to the mix & match nature to the parts... Yes you can run parts in your tanks at varying times & they should match closely enough to satisfy most customers, however have someone else who's tanks chemical make-up is somewhat different run the parts at a different voltage & for a longer or shorter duration & the results won't be the same.... Yes from the factory there were variations, different suppliers, different operators, any of a number of variables... But a man doesn't bring his NOS parts to you for refinishing to be told about "acceptable variations".... Acceptable variations is a very vague term, what one man finds acceptable another will find completely unacceptable... If I shop my trim repair work by price than I need to be willing to accept work like the picture you posted.... When I step up & pay big $$ to a guy that proclaims his stuff can take judging on a show field than what I consider acceptable variation drops substantially.. & the grille you posted sure wouldn't cut it.... BTW I talked to a guy thats worked on enough show level trim & verified what I stated was correct about what you say I don't have a clue about...

BTW Why the new name??
Why are so many people looking for a new trim guy? Funny you say you had problems with parts coming back from being anodized with scratches.. I've heard you aren't the only one to experience that problem....

"The Armies of our ancestors were lucky, in that they were not trailed by a second army of pencil pushers."