Randy, bluntly! you have no clue as to your opinion. also, like everyone does when complaining on moparts he left out some of the story. (I don't think was complaining just looking for options, but you jumped in with your drama without knowing anything about it rather than trying to help)...

1.) had i known it wasn't going to fit i wouldn't have taken it in!

2.) it was not realized until after the parts were all racked and ready run and going into the tank that it was not going to fit. i even re-racked it on another rack and tried to get it to fit by itself.

3.) why did i take it in? because i used to run these long parts all the time for the 60's impala crowd, but made some changes in the tank for air line configuration and I lost 1.5 inches of space, but had not ran any of the longer parts since then... so without realizing the space change would now limit parts (as the changes were minor), longer parts over 90 no longer fit.

4.) when i run parts it is often that not all the parts fit on the same rack, so are therefore ran at different times on different racks, even on different days.. so the parameters in which they are run can vary by a few minutes, a few degrees in temperature, by a few amps or volts per part, and even chemical make up depending on many factors...

so your opinion that parts have to be ran at the same time is a lack of your knowledge and theory on the process, and BS!

5.) he was offered an option to get it done elsewhere, but because of the commercial nature of shops reluctantly doing auto trim didn't like the expressed warranty that, it might end up with rack scratches/ damage and that there are no guarantees or warranty. neither of us were comfortable with that but it had to be disclosed (and he made his decisions), and was part of the risk every time i did something prior to putting in my own tanks (the whole reason i put in my own tanks, not mention the other guys high prices), only to have to implement the same restriction here (for loss in tanks) as i wasn't about to dive into a hot acid bath to save any thing. (this is all the behind the scenes stuff you people wanting this done, have no clue about what goes into doing this. it's not just here it's everywhere, with everyone that does this).

5a). so why he asking about it here? when he had it all figured out to go with special T's maybe it because special T's charges ridiculous prices for the process and now he doesn't now want to pay the price? or maybe now Special T's wont take it in? (BTW the price for the above option was not anywhere near what he was quoted for the alternative offered).

6.) does it bother me? yes! this job was one of those jobs that had to be perfect, and it never fails when that is the requirement, something will go wrong or it will take ten times the amount of effort compensated for to get the end result, without additional compensation.

7.) not to worry for all those that will inevitably get involved in the drama, and say wow i would never use that guy, etc,

don't worry, I am no longer doing retail minded customer trim!

BTW the parts on this grille were all anodized at different times and places, one was even anodized in china, and the minimal differences are no different than the way the parts come from the factory.... do you think they took the time to make sure every part had the same reflective hue etc, and matched from part to part?