
if you really have .o42 quench i would say you will be OK at 34 deg total timing but i would definitely not try to lower it by shimming any thing .
because a 9.1 compression motor no quench will ping more than a 10.5 to one motor with tight quench this is a FACT .
quench is like octane the more you can get the better as long as the motor has clearance .

Camshaft design plays a HUGE role in detonation, or lack there of. As I said above, my current motor is 10.6 to 1 with about .140 quench, give or take. Cool, cold weather you can run as much total as you want on pump fuel. Hot and humid you need to pull it back to 32ish total. All on pump fuel.

BTW, I talked to 2 guys at Ross pistons who definetly dont think that the quench/detonation issue is fact.........

72 RR, Pump gas 440, 452s, 3800 lbs, Corked, ET Radials,. 11.33@117.72. Same car, bone stock 346s, 9.5 comp, baby solid. 12.24@110.