quote]Fred I started in 67 but was at the track in 64 so
that was the start for me so dont give me that stuff
"you wouldnt understand".... the stuff I did on my cars
was mostly on my own... and back then we had ALL those
classes... I just dont understand why so many cant
seem to move on... like their whole life is still
wrapped up in "the good old days"


Unless you were there it's hard to explain and impossible to understand.

Then you are amongst those who should understand what I said and how it pertains to me . Primarily this is how I feel about racing. The same cant be said about other facets of my life .You can look at my cars and see I don't live in the past . I might own a nostalgia car but also a turbo car and the modern hi tech supercharged Caddy

home of the
Sox and Martin Hemi Duster