annndd, test results

I got the fan from feets yesterday, and after doing some massaging of my circuit today, mostly got it to work.

I'm driving the fan with a 100Hz signal. The fan will only come on with a duty cycle above ~85%. 90% it comes on, 100% it comes on, etc. I get nothing from 0 to that 85%.

I have a button set up to increment or decrement the PWM value. While decrementing from 100%, once I get below that 85%, I can hear the fan click off. While incrementing, again, above that 85% it comes on. So I don't think it needs a higher value PWM to 'get it moving' before going to a lower one.

I have the fan running off a battery in my office, so I haven't let it spin all the way up to see if there's a noticeable difference in speed between 85% and 95%

Now I'm not sure if this fan's controller is different than the aftermarket controllers, and whether they would work with lower PWM values or not.

Feets, do you know if the mercedes ECU can control a wider range of values than that or not?

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