I have been having no luck with my headliner! My car: 1971 Charger R/T
Headliner: white six bow

It should be straight forward, No?
The first one I bought had six listings for the bows, everything looked good until I got right down to put it in the car. When I started to hang the bows in their respective holes I realized that one end was going to come up short. My front header teeth at the windshield opening to the first bow is a bare minimum of 11.25 inches and the rear window opening teeth to the rear bow is minimum 9" in the center and 15" needed to stretch back to the sides of the window @ the top of the sail panels. The headliner I got had 22.5" at the rear edge to first bow (which is fine...I figured there would be some excess to be trimmed) but the front edge to the front listing is 6.5" or 7.5" maximum if I stretch the listing loop back as far as I can.

Front window to first bow.

Rear window to rearmost bow.

headliner front edge to front bow listing.

Rear edge to rearmost bow listing.

Overall headliner

I called and talked to the supplier, we verified it was the right package. The next question was "could it have been the wrong headliner in the package?" Nope, the number on the listing verified it to be the right one. Next question "could it have been sewn incorrectly?" "Send it back & we'll see" to expedite things I just ordered another rather than waiting for them to receive it before sending out another (being pretty confident it was sewn wrong) Well... fast forward to today, my package arrived and I'm all excited to install my headliner..... Guess what!

Now I'm unsure what to do, The supplier has been very nice about it the first time around but I am wondering are they messing up or is there a problem with their supplier (PUI) or Am I screwing up here somehow. Like I said the company has been very good to work with and it's a family owned and run business so I don't want to do any badmouthing but I'm afraid they will think I'm the one doing something wrong since this is the second one and it won't fit. Where do I go??? Has anyone else had this problem with a PUI headliner? Any help would be greatly appreciated!