The pictures of the Super Bee on their web site look great. Once the cars are in primer it's hard to see the repairs thats for sure. I couldn't find before shots of the same car.
Finding a shop that will tackle major metal is a chore in it's self.
Things that I would question is panel alignment. They make no mention of fitting the trunk lid, doors, fenders etc...All these things are affect by major panel replacement. (ask me how I know)

Their firm price in advance is curious as well??? They tell you $17500 up front....that most likely breaks down to about 250 hours at $70/hr or 300hrs at $58...

What happens if they're right into it but running out of time? do they rush to get it finished in their time frame...or sucker you in to paying more to finish your now half-finished car???

The cars I've had done by Keith Sim started out as a ball park figure and then the clock starts. It's amazing what you find once you start into it...rust hides everywhere

They've up'd their price after only do two or three cars...that tells you something right there