cant just everyone get along and realise that this class is all about doing anything as long as it is not vissible except for safety?
the class was created by cheaters for cheaters and what i mean about cheating is as long as its not vissible its ok unless its for safety

this kind of racing is not for anyone looking for fairness, if a ford can have more cubes great for ford,if a mopar is alowed more carbs great for the mopars, if you have found a winning concept use it

afterall racing is not for crybabies looking for fairness its about being the fastest within a set of rules and having fun while doing it.

if it was about being fair it whould be boring and anyone should be able to get reruns until reaction time is zero for both cars and both should also be aloved reruns until both are happy about there time, and until both win,and with identical cars, it does not work like that, and i hope it never will that would be boring,like collecting stamps without the risk of having someone upen a window when there is a hurricane outside or the risk that you find your valuable stampcolection togheter with an anteater

why are people racing diferent stuff? cause they want to, is it up to anyone to be a crybaby about some other brand having an unfair advantage? nope. if you find that one brand or model has a very good advantage in one class, use it to your advantage or go all the way to realy try to even out the diference with your own creativeness.

racing is about being the fastest within the set rules and have fun getting there some never get to the point of being the fastest but if all they do about it is complein they are wasting alot of energy that could be put into being the fastest and at the same time take all the fun out of it while doing so.
dont waste no time.
in racing its go for it or go home.
cant just everyone get along and use what little technical can be found in these threads and actualy learn something that can help both yourself and maybe someone else?
there is a lot of stuff to be learnt and i have learnt alitle in this thread that i had not figured out about how to make a car with lots of power hook up on small tires