Here is my You can take it and a buck and buy a cup of coffee. I don't care what brand name is on the cars you have to give credit where it is due. Lane has payed his dues and the proof is in the pudding.

The only thing I wish could have been different is that Dave would have had the first 9 second slip. He has worked long and hard, and to reach that milestone a pass or two short of being the first is a tough pill to swallow. But I am sure Dave is making plans as I am typing this to take back some of that thunder.

I think the main reason Dave has such loyal fans is that he is a middle class working guy with much heart and desire. He is competing with some competition that has a much larger budget and still has managed to hang in there and actually been fairly dominate. All this in a sport that that the spend to win ratio is completely laughable.

I think we should thank all the competitors in FAST for the hard work, resources and dedication they put into their cars which provides a great show for all to see with little more than some bragging rights and comradery to show for it.

It is good for the sport to have more than one brand at the top of the heap, it makes for larger crowds and better competition. If you think F.A.S.T. racing will survive as an all Mopar show I think you will be sadly mistaken.

Getting old just means you were smarter than some and luckier than others.