The final installment!
The gains keep coming. 1.259 60 ft, felt smoother.
I dialed an 8.93 due to a good cross wind, thinking it should run a .90 with no wind, figuring a .93 should do. The wind died suddenly ! I swear it did so in the middle of the run? The flags were dead still as I returned to the pits. I ran out by .025 on the brakes with an 8.905 at 145.78. The 1,000 ft was .003 quiker than the 8.891 pass yesterday. Oh well,,,,,,
All in all a fun weekend. New best of 1.259 60 ft, with room for improvement. Thanks all who contributed whether I used your suggestions or not. They all give a guy something to think about!

I am still looking for input. The last pass video didn't turn out. So, any more thoughts? I plan on softening the compression at the back and continually tightening the front till the improvements stop. Then I will start lowering the wheeliebars till it slows. Same with Tire pressure. The harder I can run them and hook, the faster it should be.
I agree it should have a fourlink, but budget says run what ya got for now.

Last edited by gregsdart; 09/26/10 03:30 PM.

8..603 156 mph best, 2905 lbs 549, indy 572-13, alky