Almost two years later, I'm revisiting this project.

I still haven't decided what to do about the graphics, but I thought I'd post some pics that might help someone who's contemplating this same project on a 66 - 67 B-body.

Fortunately, I have a junkyard instrument cluster frame in my satsh of stuff. I'll swap my instruments into this frame and this is the one that'll go in my car.

I didn't like the way the voltmeter studs and the holes for the ammeter studs were spaced differently (see photo in earlier post). It limited the up/down adjustment of the voltmeter, and I determined that it would mount at the wrong height this way. So, I dremeled out a rectangular hole, removing the holes for the ammeter studs. Here's a pic of the removed material.

7269841-DSC_0001.JPG (183 downloads)
Last edited by JimG; 06/29/12 09:01 AM.