

I wasn't that impressed w/ the HS stuff

You gotta be kiddin' !! HS's are quite likely the best on the market next to T&D's. What's not to like ?!?!?

As I stated in another rocker-related thread: "They're heavy, they're bulky (and not where it would make the rockers better, either), they're too long for decent geometry w/ many applications, the balls of the last sets of adjusting screws I saw from them looked like they were machined by somebody w/a wood rasp, instead of a lathe. They do seem to be a good fit for Indy heads, though."

I like the shafts and the hold-downs. The rockers haven't changed since the 1980s and could stand the benefit of a modern redesign, IMO. Plenty of people are totally sold on them. I'm not.