
The vacuum method is just hooking a hand vacuum pump(mighty vac) to the open bleeder and start pumping until no more air comes out with the fluid. Just be sure to keep the master filled. When you stop pumping to refill the master close the bleeder.

Are you saying just connect the hand vacuum pump directly up to the bleeder without a jar in the middle? Wouldn't that ruin the pump when the fluid comes out?

How about this..would this be right...

- Fill MC and leave cap off
- Hook up vacuum pump hose to jar cap
- Hook up short hose bottom of jar cap into a couple of inches of fluid
- Hook up other hose from jar cap to bleeder
- open bleeder and start pumping until no more bubbles in fluid in jar and hose to bleeder is full of fluid
- close bleeder and move on to next wheel

Is that right?