

I guess it has to do with what your total combo is and if you are going to run aluminum heads and headers or not.

Aluminum intake, heads and headers saves a lot of weight over the cast iron versions of those three components too.

Does anyone happen to know what the weight savings might be? It must bring the overall 440 weight down to the small block weight range, no?

Heads save about 50 lbs, intake another 15 to 20. If you go with the aluminum water pump housing that saves a chunk of weight as does a mini-starter. Engine will still look stock after a coat of paint, especially if you use the Stealth heads. You can save more weight with the new aluminum float bowls for the Holley carbs. Aluminum distributor saves some weight. Stroker motors are usually lighter also, espeicially if you buy a high quality crank and go with the BB Chevy rods.