On the first pass Saturday morning I'm going to try and slow it down by shifting sooner, 5000 instead of 5200.

I achieved what I wanted as I ran a 6.514 @ 106.64. At least I'm running the number. The van still seems lazy off the line so the next pass I'm going to take one turn back out of the throttle. I would guess that is about 3 degrees on the throttle blades. I'm also going to try and cut a light.

Next pass turned into a wasted pass. As I matted the throttle, the van bogged and almost shut off. I ran a 6.59 @106.71

Made a couple of minor changes for the next run. Raised the in gear idle 200 rpm to 1200 rpm. Also adjusted the squirters closer to the pump shot arm on the carb. I had about 3/16th gap. Now I have none.

Van is still set up with a 5000 shift. Here is a graph of the run. You can see that opening the throttle blades gave me some more horsepower. The converter stall got pushed up to 4600, about a 800 rpm gain. Also when I got off the trans-brake the van is now starting to move before it shifts into high. You can see on the green line (drive shaft) about .8 seconds into the run, the shift bump. It looks like it takes about .4 seconds to complete the shift. I don't know whats with the climb from 4100 to 4600 when I jump on the throttle.

The numbers from the run were 1.411 60', 6.451 @ 107.28. My RT was .048.