You know I am not really sure what the cam is. When I bought the car that used to have this engine in it there was paperwork that said the cam was a Crane and gave it’s specs. I didn’t take the short block apart beyond changing pans, water pump, head gaskets, intake, etc. I always thought it was kind of rough idling for such a short duration. It also winds up better than it should for the short duration. This weekend before I reassemble everything I am going to borrow some mics and see if I can tell more about it.

Hey Zippy, how much compression are you running and what kind of HP are you getting out of that combo?

I’m getting a little off topic. I’m still wondering if my push rods are in danger if I attempt 6500 RPM? I am guessing I will see float before that, but don’t want to bend anything if they do float briefly.