I have well over 300K miles on factory fuel injected cars and I have NEVER had to do a "repair on the side of the road." Ditto with electronic ignitions. Well, I guess I have had fuel pump and fuel filter problems with both types. The injection fuel pump is harder to get to but I don't carry spares for either. The fuel filter on the fuel injected car didn't stop me, but I had to replace it at the next opportunity. Fuel filters on carb cars generally do require the "repair at the side of the road."
I have had plenty of problems with vapor lock on carbureted cars but never on fuel injected cars.

Now I have had a float stick open and soak the top of the engine with gasoline, thankfully it did not ignite, and I DID have to take the top off the carb because that float or needle was STUCK. I also had a rubbing block come off the points and kill the engine, that took a "repair by the side of the road."


PS: LA motors are 273, 318, 340, 360. The 2-4s on the 273 should bolt right on unless the bolt holes are for the '64-'65 273 and then they will need to be modified with a rattail file. Once the intake is on there are NO durability problems with the conversion.