
Once you get the EFI worked out it is better than a carb for just plain driving. I can't see any way around that. The O2 sensor keeps the engine in close-to-perfect tune no matter the altitude, and where I live altitude is a real consideration.
Driving a carb car over Monarch Pass compared to a fuel injected car is a real eye-opener. My Mom lives at 1600 feet elevation so if I set the car up for 5900 feet where I live it's quite lean when i go to visit. Add to that the different compositions of winter and summer fuel and I will go EFI (if there is a choice) every time.

IF you are building a car and have the money to do it the Hemi would be grand. If you aren't quite so bucks-up them my 5.2Mag suggestion will work. I would use the MegaSquirt on the factory beer keg intake, maybe trim a little length off the runners like Hughes was doing. Use the 518 or 500 depending on vehicle weight.

Enough said, I started repeating myself.


PS: I am starting to see some real deals on 4.7 engines, have you considered them?

Well, thats a great point. I live at 5200 elevation and any where I go there is a nice 9,000 pass or higher to get there or leave here. The EFI will help and I never thought of that until you mentioned it.

I will get the frame, suspension done and start the body work over the winter and see where the conversions are at that point, how much $$$ I have and what I stumble across but I am thinking the 5.7 is the way to go. I am in no hurry and want some originality.

Thanks Dave