

... I whittled it with a pocket knife.

Great! I stopped thinking about that assuming I'm not Michelangelo enough to do it right. But may be there is enough winter left to do a try...

So you did copy the "old" ones simply with "your eyes" - means cutting away whatever did not look like a pistol grip? Comparing and comparing... that way?

yea, pretty much all by eye.

the only thing I did do was make a paper template of the base, the flat part that goes against the handle, that way I had the right dimensions to fit the metal handle, once I had the basic shape transfered to the square block of wood, I just started trimming away.

my "thumb ledge" for lack of a better term, on the left grip isn't as sharp as the ones Domino made, I suppose I could sand it down and work at it some more, but I'm happy with it how it is really.

to finish it, I lightly misted the wood with dupont paint, the same color as the body color on my truck, --just enough to give it some color without hiding the grains in the wood--then clear coat over that.

Total time it took me was probably 5 or 6 hours, so $140 is a steal of a price! --of course, it looks like Domino's got more "professional" tools than a pocket knife, and has practice, he could probably knock a set out pretty quick compared to how long it took me!

**Photobucket sucks**