
Thanks for inquiring about this to AMD...

500 pairs?

So let's call it $1200 for a pair...

1200 x 500 = $600K.. it's that much to tool these?

The dies required alone will be in the $300K+ range to produce a left/right full set of qtrs, the material costs for the skins will be in the $75K range for a minimum run of 500 sets, not to mention the possible retooling costs to correct issues at the line, tooling proofs, etc, etc, that eats up capital fast, then theirs E coat costs, labour, shipping charges to/from the factory, packaging, taxes, tariffs, etc, inventory taxes, and all the assorted costs from building costs, operation costs, Insurance costs, etc, etc, etc, etc, the lists of costs most forget that it takes to just stay in business, nevermind expanding your product offerings/inventory, plus product demand and how long the estimated investment return will be, are deciding factors, plus a host of other factors that can vary from day to day operations, market shares/values, banking conditions, right down to personal decisions by the Chief in charge...