Thankyou very much Jim,I was hours taking pictures of my pumps and block as it is now,using flashlight to show inside where it makes the curve and then can`t figure out how to post with my new computer.Files I already had from old puter are not opening on new so I got frustrated and next thing i know it is late I wake up on couch.I so appreciate this site and the knowledge and helpful people on it.Also have someone calling to buy my car,got bad news for em,I have not studied and worked on this thing for 21 years to sell it ,at least not before I see what it does at sea level more than once.I guess I have relation that thinks I should get rid of it.......No way jose!!! Keep em coming if you got em and edit this and put in tech archives then it doesn`t matter what the persons computer does.Thank you

Last edited by 6packattk; 12/05/09 05:01 AM.