
It has recently come to my attention that I may have been borrowing or recieving items for my narcissistic, self serving racing needs, that I have not returned in as good of condition or better than borrowed, or just plain never returned said items. If I have forgotten you for your generosity please call me out here and I will be sure to take care of the long line of donors on a first come first serve basis. Remember I only get 1 paycheck a month, it comes at the first of the month if you know what I mean. My 4 year Buisness degree where I graduated with honors and on the deans list has yet to land me that 6 figure job. Until that time comes I guess I will settle for the job that makes me happy. Being a devoted friend, father, and husband while being an ASE certified mechanic will have to do. I'm sorry for not settling my debts in a more timely manner, I was too busy grooming my ugly mug in the mirror.

Sleaze Bag....I knew it

Evidently you major wasn't; spelling
