My buddy that I am going on the Hot Rod Drag Week
had a issue the other day on his fuel pressure, he
has the gauge under the hood(Summit unit) and the
first thing I asked him was " is it a liquid filled
gauge", he said it was... so I told him to drain it
and put a vent hole in it or get a new non filled
gauge.... he looked at me like I'm some sort of
idiot(probably am).... he said that he paid more
for the "good gauge" and got that filled one. So
after telling him that the filled gauges do have a
place to be used in a controlled environment with
nice stable temps.... he still didnt buy what I
was saying.... so he did a little test... after
having the engine running for a while he seen the
pressure drop to about 1#... then put a cold rag
around the gauge.... boom... pressure goes right
back up to 6 1/2... he did that 3 times.... now he's
a believer... but still pissed he paid more for that
filled gauge over the cheapo.... LOL