16 vdc is a good choice if you need to add weight aft, My 16 volt system is heavy @ 120 lbs - 2 -8 volt in series, We pull 25 to 30 amps out while racing and only charge the night before we race, rarely I see less than 14.5 volts @ the end of the day, engine starts like its on steroids, 8 volt golf cart batteries are cheep 75 to 150 bucks depending on size and make, they make light weight 16 volt single batteries for more bucks if weight is a problem, most 12dc wiring systems will be a little over kill for 16 volts, as volts go up amps go down in the conductor, a little freebee benefit, The lack of a charging system was another plus , less junk up front, no long large gauge wiring and dint have to clean mud from alt winding anymore, it may not be for everyone but if you already have 2 - 12vdcs in the trunk and have to charge in between rounds going up to 2 -8volts is fast and easy, just check any electronics specs for max voltage if you use a lot of stuff , oh and 12dc light bulbs glow brighter @ night and don't last as long