
Does your car have tire slippage at launch?

I need to get video, but so far have been alone at the track with no one to watch.

From feel, I'd day no on the first two runs and yes on the third.

Ealier in the day I had been running with the exhaust closed and launching at 4200 with 60's in the 1.50-1.53.
I definitely felt spin on those as the rear moved a little to the right on launch.
The first good run with the exhaust open (the 1.440 60), I felt the difference in the hook. Felt the front tires pick up and set down.
That was the first run with the two-step set at 4800. I made the assumption that that somehow hit the tires harder and they planted better.

My first run with the exhaust open, I screwed up and didn't set the trans brake and actually launched off idle foot braking and it spun them big time. 1.641 60'.

That's kind of what lead me to think the 4800 hit them harder and planted them better.