after looking this stuff up i expect the men in black to be pulling up any minute now.

bottom line is you expose chloronated hydrocarbons to heat/UV and you make phosgene, you expose chloroform to UV in the presence of oxygen you make other words if you clean metal with brake clean (TCE type) and weld on it before it's completely evaporated you make phosgene (not to mention HCL)...if you think this is incorrect give it a try.

line 5 fire fighting methods


When chlorohydrocarbon vapors are thermally cracked in open flames or arcs associated with furnaces, boilers, or welding apparatus, sufficient phosgene may be generated to create a hazard.


Phosgene is released during the welding of metals that have been cleaned up with chlorinated solvents, so welders may be exposed to this compound.