

Some people need a sign in their window - Please LET Me Win.

Yep thats it, put a box in your car and you become an instant hitter thats how it works I wish everyone who thought putting in a box makes you a better racer would come over to this side and give it a try. After all us box guys would not be any good if it were not for the delay boxes. So come on over, throw in a delay box and toss in a throttle stop, because that just makes it even easier and show us how it is done. Jump in with both feet the water is just fine

I think the most valuable reason to have cross talk is that not every tree is shielded and you can see your opponents top bulb. When you are relying on seeing the first flash of amber and you can see the other lanes top bulb it can be distractiong, especially if there is a small separtion in dial ins. For example if I were dialed a 9.60 to my opponents 9.62 the chances are that I am going to react to his tree and my delay is gonna be .02 quicker, thus going red. I always love racing cars with a N on the window when their dial is like this, cause I believe their light is gonna b red.