Here is the answers to the questions asked by those who responded:

1) The Biondo Line Lock is brand new.

2) I have tried hitting the switch and pumping the brakes after the switch is engaged.

3) I also pumped the brakes prior to setting the line lock. No change.

4) When the line lock is set, the front wheels will turn when the rear wheels over power the fronts.

5) When I use the foot brake only (no line lock)the fronts will lock down and slide on the pavement when the rear wheels put out enough steam to move the car.

6) The master cylinder, calipers, pads, plumbing, and line lock are all new. I have a real good firm pedal so I am asuming the brakes are bled properly.

I called Biondo today and they said that I have done everything right as far as installation. They are sending me another line lock unit to try. I'll let you guys know what happens. If anyone else has any suggestions, feel free to respond.
Thanks to all who responded.