Originally Posted by Sniper
Originally Posted by DaveRS23
So, no recommendation that fits with the O.P.'s needs, but plenty of attempts at insults.


The reason you earned your title is that I already, in my first post in this thread, recommended the 1406.

You twist more than a worm in hot ashes there, sniper troll.

"all one has to do is look at the title below your name to get your number."

That post is the one I responded to when I said; "So, no recommendation that fits with the O.P.'s needs, but plenty of attempts at insults.

Not the one you reference in an attempt to distract from your obvious carburetor ignorance and your repeated trolling.

Your 1608 design carb was replaced in production OVER 50 YEARS AGO by the ThermoQuad. And for good reason. The ThermoQuads are a superior and more modern design. The new Street Demons take that original design to the next level by adding even more design features and correcting some of the original's flaws. But again, you wouldn't know about that. You can't be bothered with facts, you are too busy sidetracking another thread with your trolling while ignoring the O.P.'s clearly stated preferences.

The old CarterBrocks are good carbs. And the 1st Gen Hemis are good engines. too. But there are simply better, modern alternatives of each available today.

Your lack of experience betrays you on this subject and reduces you to attempting insults to cover that lack of experience.

Master, again and still