Originally Posted by Neil
Clean used Edelbrocks and Carters Competition Series AFBs can be found pretty easily for cheap, and the average dude can set them up to make them work really good for almost anything less than an all out drag car. I see local people selling like new carburetors of all makes because they got flustered when it didn't work right so they cave and buy an EFI setup meaning someone else gets a good deal on a low mile carburetor that just needs some attention.

Set the float drops in both directions (important), and then put the jetting back to stock if it has been altered and adjust from there. Most gripes from these carburetors come from dirt getting in them, stalling when turning or hard stopping (all float setting related), and heat soak. Run a filter in front of and after the fuel pump. Set the float drop measurements to perfect even if it takes some time, and the heat soak thing you have to run a good base insulator gasket, and possibly look at your fuel line routing and maybe some rubber insulation over the metal line at worst. I've never had to do that on any of mine, but some have had to. It's ok you just do what is needed for your situation.

The best thing about a new carburetor is you get a warranty if needed, and the fact that nobody has monkeyed with it. The bad thing is none of them come really ready to use right out of the box, and it's worth reading the instructions and checking things over first. They are build by people in a hurry so things may be off enough to warrant fixing/adjusting before use. I'm familiar with the AFB type carbs enough to know that the floats on those need to be verified as they are often wrong. Not a deal breaker you just know it needs checked before you use them.

This - if you are handy and can rebuild one and understand how carbs work there are cheap used afb/avs carbs all over the place.. I honestly can not believe the price of new carbs now.

The best investment you can make is a wideband o2 meter. You can solve any carb problem if you know whats actually going on with the AFR. And you can afford one easily with the leftover money you save buying someone’s $100 600 AFB.

I know this doesn’t answer your question necessarily, but that is what I would do. Good luck!

Last edited by GTX MATT; 04/20/24 09:41 AM.

Now I need to pin those needles, got to feel that heat
Hear my motor screamin while I'm tearin up the street