i really like the T-quads, and use them on everything i own.
took me a few years to get to know them and sort them out, but i'm glad i took the time to do that.
parts may be somewhat hard to find at times, but i have scooped up quite a few over the years, [including complete carbs] plus i made a program for jets and metering rods for a CNC lathe at work, and made a bunch of those items. they seem to work great !
unfortunately, that machine used a "tape" for the program[s], and the machine has been discontinued for a ton of years.
the small "carterbrocks" work very well on several installations i have done, right out of the box. you must get the mopar throttle arm to make them work with the factory throttle cable and KD linkage.
as to better fuel mileage with a two barrel, trying to tune the factory BBD, i have had about a 40% success rate in my many attempts.
just my personal experience and opinion[s]. your mileage will vary.