Originally Posted by second 70
Originally Posted by TJP
Originally Posted by DaveRS23
VHT? As in spray bomb? shruggy

Yes sir, been using their paint for over 50 years. My go to color is SP117 flat aluminum. but they make many others. Preferably media blast the surface, follow directions and forget about the rest. Spill the oil while changing? wipe it of with clean paper towel, fire it up and the residual burns away with no sign of it ever being there wink
Bonus, if needed, touch ups are easy wink

TIP: Stand the can upside down or lay it down for a day or two to get the settled pigment loose wink

Dave I just got the can out of VHT I used to treat the scratches and minor rust on my Ceramic headers and it is the same SP117 that TJP uses. It is a ceramic coating and I can't tell the different from factory coating. I just wiped them off and sprayed bad area. So far no rust through. Mike

Unfortunately, I am already committed to this route so I can't test your experience for myself

But I just don't see how spray bomb would hold up better than good ceramic coat. We have all used spray bomb and I have some VHT in my cabinet right now. Nothing wrong with it or any other spray bomb in the right place.

But are you suggesting that the VHT spray bomb would hold up better than (or even as well as) the CCP coating in my application? That is the key question in my opinion.

Master, again and still