Originally Posted by Sniper
Originally Posted by ruderunner
2 ways to describe the same thing. In the illustration, rr is toe in, lr is toe out. With a solid axle, total toe doesn't change.

Toe is measured in reference to the other tire on the same axle and the vehicle centerline. If you have a toe issue on a solid axle you have a bent one.

There is a reason they are different terms and they are NOT describing the same thing.

None of that contradicts my statement.

Total toe is measured from tire to tire, this can be toe in or toe out. Each tire can be measured relative to the vehicle centerline, and again toe in or out.

If you have a total toe problem on a solid axle, then yes it's probably bent. Which is the collary to my original statement.

Let's say we're working on IRS, how do you correct a thrust angle problem? By adjusting the toe of the rear wheels.

Angry white pureblood male